Reconnecting With Your Uniqueness Starts Here…
…and your Genius Report is the roadmap to get there.
What is Genius Report Coaching?
I love Genius Report Coaching because it takes the esoteric Human Design it deconstructs it and makes it practical and useful.
Human Design is an ancient mixed modern-science system downloaded by Ra Uru Hu, which includes astrology, the I Ching, quantum physics, the Chakras and the Kabbalah. But who has 7 years to unravel the mystery of Human Design. Let Genius Report, help you.
Genius Report shows us our energetic blueprint of how we’re meant to operate to our fullest potential, what we should be aware of and the tools to align with so we can become our most powerful, authentic self. Your own force field is COMPLETELY unique to you.
Start with your Force Field / Energy Type
There are five main types, and each type has a special unique energy we all benefit from.
Initiator (HD – Manifestors) are here to initiate and get things started, bringing new ideas and concepts to the world. They’re designed to work and act independently.
Builder (HD – Generators) are designed to work and to love the work they do—their work (if aligned) excites them then it creates more energy for them. They need to ensure they are not doing something because they “should”, rather follow what’s fun and exciting for them.
Specialist (HD – Manifesting Generators) love to work! They have so many different passions! They are known for their ability to bring things to life quickly and efficiently.
Co-Ordinator (HD – Projectors) are natural leaders and guides. They are designed to see deeply into others, see systems others don’t see, and create efficiency.
Observer – (HD – Reflectors) mirror back the energy around them. They are great facilitators and evaluators, able to offer a perspective that’s unique and different, and are able to see the things that often go unnoticed.
Don’t know your of force field you have? Click here for a compact Genius Report, or get Your Comprehensive Genius Report here.
(You will need your birthdate, location of birth and your birthtime – if you don’t know your birthtime please use 12:00AM – while this is not thee optimal it is a great starting place. If you wish to dive more deeply into your unique design wee will require an accuracy in birth time. Rectifcation of your birth time.)
Your Genius Report is not just the roadmap to who you are, it unlocks key information about your energetic strategy so you can step into your full power and potential.
Ready to discover and embody your full power and potential?
Genius Report Coaching on Offer
2 hour session on based your compact Genius Report. Learn about your force field, talents & skills, what’s effectual within you, what you perceive, how you naturally show up and how your energy moves in your force field. You will need to send me a copy of your compact Genius Report, once you receive it.
The Advanced Sessions are for anyone who’s previously had a Foundational Session with their compact report. During the advanced consult we will explore more deeply their Comprehensive Report. If you do not have a comprehensive report, you will need to purchase one. You will need to send me a copy of your comprehensive Genius Report, once you receive it. I need 7 days to analyze your report and prepare for your consult. Please purchase your comprehensive report, on or before booking this advanced consult.
You can send both the compact & comprehensive reports via my contact form.
If you do not know your accurate birth time, you will need to do a birth time rectification to capitalize on the fullneess of the comprehensive report.
Birth Time Rectification Service
Pinpointing Your Unique Talents & Skills With An Accurate Birth time.